For the expansive soul... 
who’s exhausted from chasing love with little to show for it

Fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires, and fully commits to you (in a year or less)

For the expansive soul... 
who’s exhausted from chasing love with little to show for it

Fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires, and fully commits to you (in a year or less)

Dear Beautiful Soul, 

There’s a new & different pathway designed to help you embody yourself in a committed relationship with your forever partner – without forcing you to: 

  • Settle for someone who is not emotionally available and is missing something (even if you can’t quite pinpoint what they’re missing),
  • ​Jump on yet another online dating app only to feel disappointed, 
  • ​Question yourself repeatedly and ask, “Can I really be chosen?” 
  • ​Wait to be chosen by someone else (it’s time for you to choose yourself, ok?),
  • ​Sacrifice your creative energy, confidence and desires to fit into someone else’s life, and
  • ​Doubt your manifestation “skills” and give up on the process (you can’t mess it up, promise!).

And, hey, if you’ve ever wondered, “Can I have this type of relationship?”...

Or you’ve questioned if you were meant to have love in your lifetime... 
Or you’ve doubted you could be chosen simply as you are… 

You aren't alone.

The majority of us start with these questions, doubts and insecurities… 

I started there, too. (We’ll get to my story in a minute…)

And, hey, if you’ve ever wondered, “Can I have this type of relationship?”...

    Or you’ve questioned if you were meant to have love in your lifetime... 
    Or you’ve doubted you could be chosen simply as you are… 

    You aren’t alone.

    The majority of us start with these questions, doubts and insecurities… 

    I started there, too. (We’ll get to my story in a minute…)

    It’s normal to let doubt creep in and question what’s possible for yourself. 

    And you aren’t alone, either → 47% of single adults say dating is harder today than it was 10 years ago. 

    But the more we practice the inner manifestation techniques, the more we feel loved.

    As you spend more and more time in that end result, this practice will change how you feel about yourself. The "you" that is loved and in a committed relationship will feel more and more familiar. It will start to feel like the truth. 

    Remember that whatever you 
    choose for yourself is meant for you.

    Over time, you’ll start to believe in this new “chosen” outcome. And you’ll start to show up for yourself because everything starts with you. 

    And you know what? 

    By reading these words on this page right now, you’re already showing up for yourself! You’re doing it, my friend. 

    And now, with this new step-by-step embodiment pathway at your fingertips…

    You could shift from moving through the world in the “single” state to moving through the world in the “wife” state. You could feel like a married woman. You could also feel the energy of your future partner. 

    Which means you’ll finally feel like you’re enough exactly the way you are today. 

    And absolutely nothing has to change about you to attract the relationship of your dreams. With this 6-step embodiment pathway…

    You could feel relieved knowing you can have the love of your life with a partner who is madly in love with you…

    Because you’re in love with yourself more and more every day.

    That’s the type of expansive love that leaves you feeling empowered in every area of you. 

    With this new 6-step pathway, you could manifest more quickly and with more ease – doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to manifesting or you’ve been practicing for years. 

    Don’t be surprised if you feel hopeful, confident and a return to authenticity. You’ll feel like you’ve finally arrived. And this type of empowerment touches every area of your life beyond love and marriage. I mean, it’s total freedom.

    This experience also works for you if: 

    • You often overthink and feel unclear about what you’re seeking.
    •  You’ve let go of your standards, in the past, and accepted less than what you really desire.
    • You’ve tried to make the wrong relationships work until you end up feeling empty inside.
    • ​You feel like the “waiting” has kept you checked out from your actual life like you’re stuck in limbo.
    • ​You don’t feel fully worthy (yet) and you struggle to accept love from others.
    • You feel like you’re “not healed enough” and you’re worried you’ll attract someone from that energy who could trigger those wounds.
    • ​You’ve been mostly happy as a single person and you’re afraid a partner could create a new type of stress in your life.
    • ​You don’t want a long-distance relationship, but there aren’t many quality “options” where you live.
    • ​You’re not sure if you want to get married again because the love of your life passed away.
    • You’re not sure if you should manifest your ex back or concentrate on new love.
    • ​You often struggle to let go and “feel” the manifestation.
    • ​You’re worried your past trauma, heartbreak and painful experiences could hold you back from finding the one.





    It’s the same step-by-step process I
    used to transform my love life, manifest
     an incredible man to marry and… 

    It’s the same step-by-step process I used to transform my love life, manifest an incredible man to marry and… 

    Create our beautiful life together with our sweet baby girl. I have all this because I was committed to the outcome my heart deeply desired. And I stayed true to the inner vision I knew was meant for me. 

    And I’m here to help you claim your dreams and manifest an all-in, fully-committed relationship with a loyal, loving, supportive partner.
    Maybe you see yourself sharing a life with all its beautiful (and, hey, even less beautiful) adventures that it brings with your person. 

    Maybe you see yourself in a safe, secure and supportive marriage with beautiful kids, two dogs and a bright, comfortable home.

    Maybe you see yourself savoring another lazy morning with extra cuddles in bed (and coffee, of course) lying next to your partner and days spent relaxing on your deck overlooking your lake. 
    Create our beautiful life together with our sweet baby girl. I have all this because I was committed to the outcome my heart deeply desired. And I stayed true to the inner vision I knew was meant for me. 

    And I’m here to help you claim your dreams and manifest an all-in, fully-committed relationship with a loyal, loving, supportive partner.
    Maybe you see yourself sharing a life with all its beautiful (and, hey, even less beautiful) adventures that it brings with your person. 

    Maybe you see yourself in a safe, secure and supportive marriage with beautiful kids, two dogs and a bright, comfortable home.

    Maybe you see yourself savoring another lazy morning with extra cuddles in bed (and coffee, of course) lying next to your partner and days spent relaxing on your deck overlooking your lake. 

    Maybe you imagine yourself with a partner who is big-hearted, hilarious and constantly makes you giggle like a teenager. 

    Maybe you imagine yourself blissfully re-married after a divorce or loss.

    Maybe you imagine yourself with an amazing sex life with a partner who’s fully present and available to you.

    Now, what if you didn’t have to imagine because you had a step-by-step process that made all these dreams a reality? 

    I’m talking about… 

    A 6-step embodiment pathway designed to help you fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires and fully commits to you
    (in a year or less). 

    Since you’re here with me right now, I know you’re a warm-hearted, playful spirit with an affinity for adventure and fun. You’re a good friend, a good listener and an all-around good human with an expansive soul.

    Maybe your creative mind is curious, and learning about manifestation lights you up. Maybe you’re on a journey of rediscovering yourself and remembering what you’re passionate about. And you’re dedicated to being the best version of yourself. 

    Maybe you’re striving to make your dreams come true, but you’re having a difficult time with this thing called love. 

    Well, my friend, you’re in the right place and moment in time because…

    You’re about to wake up everyday knowing that your person WANTS to be there for you (and that person shows you in more ways than you could’ve ever asked for). 

    You’re about to finally feel like you can relax into trusting that love will continuously be showered onto you. And you’ll never have to question it or yourself again.

    It’s time for you to experience the deep, soul-level satisfaction of being the number one priority to the one you love.


    I’m also a relationship coach, licensed marriage & family therapist, wife, ♡ girl mom, world traveler and… a damn good manifesting teacher. 

    On any random Saturday, you could find me hiking in the Redwoods with my family during the day AND relaxing to all songs on 🎶the foggy jazz🎶 station on Spotify in the evening with my man… 
    (More on him and our love story in a sec, ok?)

    I’ve helped 115,000+ expansive, beautiful humans manifest their desires through my YouTube channel.

    Over the last decade, I transformed my love life… 

    I went from feeling incredibly low after a breakup with a man I loved deeply to feeling high from experiencing self love and blossoming into a new version of myself as a result. 

    Now, I want to help you do the same. That’s why…

    Today, I teach deep souls like yourself how to live as the end result, and –  

    I’m here to show you how to step into the version of yourself you want to embody so you can attract the love you desire… 

    So you can go from believing “marriage isn’t for me” to thinking “Yes! I’m getting married this year.”

    You’ll start to see yourself as worthy of love from a partner who chooses you back. Your outer reflection could mirror your inner reality. You’ll feel empowered and finally in control.

    You’ll stop chasing and instead, love yourself. And you’ll direct how your relationship moves forward.

    How do I know this type of love is possible for you? 

    Because I’ve walked this same path before you, through all the ups and downs of this thing called love.

    Like I said, today I’m surrounded by a husband and daughter who bring me joy, but let’s be real… 

    – Creator of The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway…  

    I’m also a relationship coach, licensed marriage & family therapist, wife, ♡ girl mom, world traveler and… a damn good manifesting teacher. 

    On any random Saturday, you could find me hiking in the Redwoods with my family during the day AND relaxing to all songs on 🎶the foggy jazz🎶 station on Spotify in the evening with my man… 
    (More on him and our love story in a sec, ok?)

    I’ve helped 115,000+ expansive, beautiful humans manifest their desires through my YouTube channel.

    Over the last decade, I transformed my love life… 

    I went from feeling incredibly low after a breakup with a man I loved deeply to feeling high from experiencing self love and blossoming into a new version of myself as a result. 

    Now, I want to help you do the same. That’s why…

    Today, I teach deep souls like yourself how to live as the end result, and –  

    I’m here to show you how to step into the version of yourself you want to embody so you can attract the love you desire… 

    So you can go from believing “marriage isn’t for me” to thinking “Yes! I’m getting married this year.”

    You’ll start to see yourself as worthy of love from a partner who chooses you back. Your outer reflection could mirror your inner reality. You’ll feel empowered and finally in control.

    You’ll stop chasing and instead, love yourself. And you’ll direct how your relationship moves forward.

    How do I know this type of love is possible for you? 

    Because I’ve walked this same path before you, through all the ups and downs of this thing called love.

    Like I said, today I’m surrounded by a husband and daughter who bring me joy, but let’s be real… 
    I remember sitting in my supervisor’s office back in 2011 and saying, “I don’t want to do this.” 

    I had already invested three years and at least $60,000 into graduate school and internships to become a marriage and family psychotherapist. 

    My supervisor said, “Why don’t you quit?”

    I was like, “Wait, I can quit?” 
    Despite questioning my path as a therapist, I ended up taking the licensing exam and became a licensed therapist. 

    Afterward, I flew to Southeast Asia with an ex (my first great-love), but…

    He was an unavailable man.
    The truth: I never really had him. 

    We broke up, but I stayed in Southeast Asia alone. 

    This breakup with my first great love was another layer of my inner reckoning... 

    I couldn’t help but ask, Why am I here? What is going on here? 

    An inner voice whispered: You’re here to find yourself… To grow and fly... All you need to do is listen to your heart.

    I went from feeling so low and desperate from the breakup to feeling high and hopeful.

    For the first time, I started to make decisions based on what felt right within myself, rather than what appeared right from the outside world. 

    So I quit my therapy practice and flew to Bali to live in a rice field, quiet myself and pursue an unknown path...

    I grieved my relationship with a man I loved deeply. A man who was now gone from my life. And I started experiencing these incredible revelations. 

    My ex personified my deepest fears: a fear of commitment and a fear of abandonment. I had unintentionally manifested a partner who was unable to commit and ultimately left me. 

    If I had the power to attract a man who embodied my fears, I knew I could just as well manifest a man who embodied my dreams.

    During this same time in Bali, I started practicing self-love techniques. 

    On good days, I loved myself and treated myself like a Queen. 

    On bad days, I loved myself even more and said things like, “I know this hurts… I’m here with you.”  

    I slowly came out of the heartbreak. I started to amplify my self love. I experienced myself blossoming as a result. 
    I remember sitting in my supervisor’s office back in 2011 and saying, “I don’t want to do this.” 

    I had already invested three years and at least $60,000 into graduate school and internships to become a marriage and family psychotherapist. 

    My supervisor said, “Why don’t you quit?”

    I was like, “Wait, I can quit?” 
    Despite questioning my path as a therapist, I ended up taking the licensing exam and became a licensed therapist. 

    Afterward, I flew to Southeast Asia with an ex (my first great-love), but…

    He was an unavailable man.
    The truth: I never really had him. 

    We broke up, but I stayed in Southeast Asia alone. 

    This breakup with my first great love was another layer of my inner reckoning... 

    I couldn’t help but ask, Why am I here? What is going on here? 

    An inner voice whispered: You’re here to find yourself… To grow and fly... All you need to do is listen to your heart.

    I went from feeling so low and desperate from the breakup to feeling high and hopeful.

    For the first time, I started to make decisions based on what felt right within myself, rather than what appeared right from the outside world. 
    If it felt aligned, I moved forward. If I didn't, I let go. 

    So I quit my therapy practice and flew to Bali to live in a rice field, quiet myself and pursue an unknown path...

    I grieved my relationship with a man I loved deeply. A man who was now gone from my life. And I started experiencing these incredible revelations. 

    My ex personified my deepest fears: a fear of commitment and a fear of abandonment. I had unintentionally manifested a partner who was unable to commit and ultimately left me. 

    If I had the power to attract a man who embodied my fears, I knew I could just as well manifest a man who embodied my dreams.

    During this same time in Bali, I started practicing self-love techniques. 

    On good days, I loved myself and treated myself like a Queen. 

    On bad days, I loved myself even more and said things like, “I know this hurts… I’m here with you.”  

    I slowly came out of the heartbreak. I started to amplify my self love. I experienced myself blossoming as a result. 
    While at a Valentine’s Day party with a friend, a stranger walked toward me from across the room and was like, “You are a Goddess. I want to know you." 

    I was like, OMG! This man is seeing me…

    I realized that the manifestation techniques I had put to the test had worked their magic. This guy had seen the me I wanted to embody – a Goddess.

    This was the missing piece…

    It’s not just about our psychological patterns. It’s about who we are being and what we believe will happen to us in the future.

    A few years later, I experienced a big break-up with a long-term boyfriend… 

    I was 39 at the time, and I was like, “This is it! I’m 39. I want to get married and have a baby.“

    I remember the day… I sat at this community table across from a mother and her adorable baby girl.

    And panic started to set in. 😟

    “Oh my god, did I just ruin my chance of getting married and having a baby?!”

    At that moment the grief was so strong I had to get up from the table and leave the cafe.
    “Shelly, YOU are the one who chooses your story… and ONLY YOU. If you want to get married and have a baby, you can do that. But you have to start telling THAT story internally for it to come true.”  

    This moment jump-started me back into studying and teaching manifestation. 

    I realized if I wanted to create that life: being that woman who was married and had a family, it was GO TIME. 

    Soon after, I said, “I’m ready to meet the one now.” 

    I was 40. I was ready.

    So I did what I knew how to do –  

    I took a lot of space to lean into the inner work. The inner work was to get to know the version of me that was married and in a committed relationship. 

    I started imagining the man I’d marry. I used my imagination to cultivate this full-blown relationship. 

    Because I had experienced manifesting so many times, I knew he would show up. I had faith in the process.

    I was visiting Tulum, Mexico with a girlfriend for vacation in 2021. 

    The day I arrived in Tulum, I opened my Instagram and saw a photo of my friend – let’s call him “Mr. O” – hanging out in Tulum. In the photo, he was standing next to a handsome blonde man, and they had matching tattoos (the blonde guy is Justin, my now husband). 

    I messaged Mr. O because I was excited to see him while I was in Tulum. An hour later, I went to the yoga chalet and the cute blond (Justin) walked in.

    I was like, “Hey, how’s it going?” It was casual – not a “there’s my future husband” moment you see in the movies.

    A week later, I went to a restaurant and bumped into my now husband, who was there with another mutual friend. 

    The three of us were chatting, and as I listened to one of Justin’s stories, I couldn’t help but hug him. 

    I felt this impulse to hug him because 
    I felt a deep sense of fondness for him. 

    I even said, “I really like you!” It wasn’t that I fell in love or even considered romantic feelings… it was more that my heart – in an unconditional way – opened to him. 

    The third interaction with Justin was the significant one.
    Back at the yoga chalet, I was seated at the end of the community table in my own world. 

    Justin saw me from across the room, but I didn't see him. 

    When he saw me this time, he was STRUCK. As if he was seeing me for the first time. He thought to himself, “WOW, that is a radiant Goddess… overflowing with love. I really want to know her.” 

    Justin approached me that day, but he approached me differently. 

    He said, “I love your energy and I’d like to take you to lunch to get to know you better.” 

    (Justin later told me that after he walked away, he was like, “Shit, I didn’t get her number. But that’s alright, she’ll be here tomorrow.”)

    I was visiting Tulum, Mexico with a girlfriend for vacation in 2021. 

    The day I arrived in Tulum, I opened my Instagram and saw a photo of my friend – let’s call him “Mr. O” – hanging out in Tulum. In the photo, he was standing next to a handsome blonde man, and they had matching tattoos (the blonde guy is Justin, my now husband). 

    I messaged Mr. O because I was excited to see him while I was in Tulum. An hour later, I went to the yoga chalet and the cute blond (Justin) walked in.

    I was like, “Hey, how’s it going?” It was casual – not a “there’s my future husband” moment you see in the movies.

    A week later, I went to a restaurant and bumped into my now husband, who was there with another mutual friend. 

    The three of us were chatting, and as I listened to one of Justin’s stories, I couldn’t help but hug him. 

    I felt this impulse to hug him because I felt a deep sense of fondness for him. 

    I even said, “I really like you!” It wasn’t that I fell in love or even considered romantic feelings… it was more that my heart – in an unconditional way – opened to him. 

    The third interaction with Justin was the significant one.
    Back at the yoga chalet, I was seated at the end of the community table in my own world. 

    Justin saw me from across the room, but I didn't see him. 

    When he saw me this time, he was STRUCK. As if he was seeing me for the first time. He thought to himself, “WOW, that is a radiant Goddess… overflowing with love. I really want to know her.” 

    Justin approached me that day, but he approached me differently. 

    He said, “I love your energy and I’d like to take you to lunch to get to know you better.” 

    (Justin later told me that after he walked away, he was like, “Shit, I didn’t get her number. But that’s alright, she’ll be here tomorrow.”)

    Turns out, my now-husband
    was manifesting me, while I was

    manifesting him.

    Now, on my final day in Tulum, Justin and I had a beautiful lunch.

    He was open, sweet and clear with me: He wanted to explore what was possible for the two of us. 

    After leaving Tulum, I felt like Justin was in my heart. 

    So we started talking once I got home to California from my trip. After a few days of connecting, we were opening up to each other, but…

    I wanted to share with him where I was at so it was clear:

    “I’m 40 – I want to get married and have a child… I’m not interested in casually dating. That’s just not where I’m at in my life.”  

    And he said, “I’m not here to waste your time.” 

    It was powerful, and I immediately invited him to come visit me. He was on a plane a week later, 2 weeks after our first date in Tulum. 

    After his trip to see me, he made it very clear that he was a YES to be all in with me. And I was a YES to be with him!

    Within 3 months, we were engaged. And within 9 months, we bought a house together.

    Two years later, I’m proud of choosing such an incredible man to marry and building our life together. I’m also proud to be the mama to my adorable baby girl.
    I have all this because I was committed to the outcome my heart deeply desired.

    I created The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway following the same process I used to manifest my gorgeous, deeply aligned, forever partner...

    If you’re here for a ring on your finger, a forever commitment
    and your one and only to be all-in with you from here on out...
    I’m here to help make that a reality for you.

    I’ll show you the path, by your side…
    In absolute, step-by-step detail.

    I’ll show you the path, by your side… In absolute, step-by-step detail.

    But first, let me explain how all this works… 

    There are 6 steps in this process (we’ll get to them in a sec!)... 

    The Embody “I Do”
    6-Step Pathway

    This is the ONLY step-by-step embodiment process that you, my beautiful friend, need to fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires, and fully commits to you (in a year or less, for real) 

    This is the ONLY step-by-step embodiment process that you, my beautiful friend, need to fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires, and fully commits to you (in a year or less, for real) 

    Designed to help ANY expansive human to take
    your next step on a soul level and learn how to: 

    Embody the Experience of Being Married Now

    (Discover core principles to manifest marriage)

    Start to believe, “Yes, this is going to happen to me this year!” (...and feel your partner’s presence in your life before they’re there)

    You will discover the exact map to follow to manifest marriage this year, as fast as possible – without questioning yourself constantly (or feeling delusional). 

    You’ll learn the ONLY rule of manifesting (seriously, there’s only one rule to follow… Easy, right?). 

    You’ll feel uplifted knowing that this, my friend, is the year that marriage will happen to you. And this inner shift (of becoming the person who knows marriage is inevitable for you) is how being married will manifest for you. 

    We’ll dive into the 3 main manifesting principles we’ll use over and over again in this course, along with specific examples of each: 

    1) Self Concept, 
    2) Everyone is Your Self Pushed Out and 
    3) Living in the End.

    Together, we’ll discover how and more importantly, when to use a variety of new techniques, including affirmations, imaginal acts, guided meditations, inner conversations and scripting to embody a new you…

    You will even have access to the exact step-by-step process I walked through to manifest marriage FAST into my life. 

    For real, you’ll find out the specific manifesting techniques I used and when, along with the exact scripts I used to manifest marriage within one month!

    Backstory: I would go to a coffee shop, sit down, open the “notes” in my iPhone and script who I was and how my man saw me…

    You can access the screenshots of what I wrote (unedited) days before I manifested my soon-to-be husband.

    Become a Life-Long Partner

    (Embrace Self Concept to manifest marriage)

    You’ll start to believe, “Yes, I’m getting married, I’m wanted, I’m chosen.”

    Here’s what it looks like...

    You’ll discover the ONLY job you need to become the person who expects your desire (and thinks and feels like you are married or engaged now).

    You’ll find out how to avoid getting caught in small details and feeling confused. We’ll talk about how to avoid getting caught in the past, present or future tense details – or caught in whether or not you’re using the right words, choosing the right end result and visualizing the right image.

    You will discover the best practices when using affirmations to change your Self Concept, including “rampage” style examples that focus on nailing the feeling, rather than nailing the language.

    You’ll experiment with an under-used Self Concept technique called “Acting as if” to tap into your imagination and inner child to manifest marriage. 

    And you’ll have access to real-life examples of how to use this technique from not only my life but also from past students’ lives.

    You’ll learn how to use “Inner Conversations” to think and feel like your desire is already yours, including specific best practices you can use to feel more natural and real as you play with new conversations. 

    You’ll learn how to bridge your inner and outer worlds together. And you’ll find out how to use Self Concept to define your identity, how you should be treated and how you see yourself in relationships to manifest marriage

    Build Your Forever Partner from Scratch

    (Shape your person’s thoughts, feelings and beliefs about you)

    Your person (specific person or new person) will start to feel real and familiar to you at a cellular level. 

    Here’s how it works. 

    First, we dive into the second most important factor (outside of yourself) that’s required to manifest your marriage: THE OTHER PERSON. 

    So not only are you creating yourself as the person who is married… But you are creating the person that you are married to. 

    In this step, we focus on the OTHER PERSON so you feel 100% clear on who your forever partner is.

    Just as you have to become the dominant version of yourself who is shown up for, cared, for and chosen (in your imagination), THEY have to become the version that shows up with you in this way (in your imagination). 

    You’re creating a relationship (internally) with this version of them. This might be a version of them you already know. And it might be a version of them that is new to you. Regardless, you are building WHO THEY ARE with your inner world… all the exercises in this step of the pathway will guide you to do that. 

    You will create this new love and new person from “scratch.” You will explore your inner world to discover exactly who you want to be in a relationship with (what their qualities are, how they treat you, etc.).

    And then you’ll practice imagining and feeling that person internally. By feeling them internally, they become more familiar to you… they start to “feel real.” It’s almost as if you are starting to date this new person at a spiritual level…

    When I met my man (Justin), he immediately told me things I’d been imagining my man would say to me… things like, “You’re a total goddess… I’ve never met anyone like you… I’ve never felt this way before.” 

    These success stories happen because the person who is manifesting has shaped their knowing of their love internally (using thoughts, feelings, and imaginal acts)… and that internal shaping is what makes this version of them show up with you.

    In this step, I’ll also show you the EASIEST & FASTEST way to create a new version of your person. 

    To gain clarity about who your person is (SP or NP), you want to ask yourself a lot of questions to explore and get to know them internally. (You’ll have access to the 25+ questions I ask inside this 6-step pathway.) 

    You’ll also have access to my private manifesting techniques and examples I’ve tested myself: 

    1) Affirmations to Create & Shape Your Forever-Partner
    2) ​Forever-Partner Inner Conversations to Manifest Marriage
    ​3) Forever-Partner Scripting to Manifest Marriage

    Finally, we’ll dive into a few potential “pitfalls” when you focus so much energy on your person, and I’ll show you how to solve this potentially harmful issue. 

    Release Your Fears, Insecurities and Doubts

    (Embody the Wish Fulfilled and manifest marriage)

    Go from questioning everything to feeling chosen, loved and committed to 

    Okay, now that we’ve built your forever partner from scratch…

    It’s time to address the elephant in the room: A lot of people put way too much focus, thoughts, time and energy into what is going wrong… On the wish UNfulfilled. 

    They focus on the problems, issues and reasons why their desire is not going to happen.

    First let me say: It is normal to fall into this trap because learning how to channel your thoughts to focus solely on your desires is a real practice. So it takes practice. That’s why you’re here, right?

    The good news: You’ll learn a variety of strategies you can use to remove your focus from lack and place it back into a confident expectation of having your desire.

    Here are a few techniques you’ll learn how to integrate into your practice…
    • The exact technique you can use when your mind wanders into NOT having your desire and you focus on the UNfulfilled.
    • ​What to do if you are ever sad about a situation (or anything in general).
    • ​What to do if your end result feels fake (For example: Let’s say that you ultimately want to get married, but imagining marriage with your person doesn’t feel quite right. You’ll learn which techniques can help you adapt so your manifesting practice feels more aligned with your desires.) 
    • ​The specific technique that has helped me the most when I can’t feel the Wish Fulfilled. I’ll show you what to do and how to do it to embody the person who is engaged or married. 
    • ​Find out how to talk about what you’re manifesting with others without lying or pretending to be in a relationship when you are not. (I’ll give you a specific script of something you can say if someone asks you about dating, your love life or about your SP and you want to politely shift the conversation away from this topic). 
    • ​What to do if you’re feeling doubtful of this entire process (You’ll have access to 24+ different types of affirmations that can help you, including my favorite RAMPAGE approach designed to switch up my mood fast.)
    • ​What to do if you’re missing someone and take yourself out of that “missing” energy is to use two specific imaginal techniques I’ll share with you so you know exactly how to do it. 

    Relax into Marriage Now & Guarantee Results

    (Show up in the right place at the right time without feeling pressured)

    Find the answer to the most common question at this stage: “Ok, but what do I need to DO to make this all happen?” 

    At this point, you’ve been given every single technique that you’d need to manifest marriage this year, but…

    There are a few key practices that will wrap up your entire manifesting process, help you relax deeper into knowing that this marriage will happen and solidify the certainty of your results.
    •  The first one is a catch-word used in the manifesting community because it is a word that Neville Goddard used often: Persistence. There are multiple ways to interpret what Neville meant by persistence, and I outline my interpretation for you – starting with what I don’t believe persistence is.
    •  Know when to persist and when to simply let go so you avoid confusion (and frustration). And find out how to let go so you can fully relax into your desired marriage and feel like it’s yours.
    • ​Find the answer to the most common question at this stage: “Ok, but what do I need to do to make this all happen?” Hint: It doesn’t include online dating, reaching out to your person, meeting this person, showing up in the right place at the right time wearing the right outfit OR taking any unnecessary steps. (I’ll even share the exact 3 steps I used to take action and manifest my man – without doing anything I didn’t want to do.)
    • ​Discover the only movement you should look for when manifesting (btw - it’s NOT external). Plus, you’ll have access to 15+ questions you can ask yourself to feel movement. These questions will help you focus less on external 3D movement so your subconscious mind knows your desire will be yours. 
    • ​You’ll find out how to guarantee your manifesting results – there’s only one step, and you’ll know exactly what it is. You can’t mess it up, promise.

    Take the Right Action to Manifest Marriage

    (Strengthen your practice with a plan that works for you)

    Finally feel certain you’ll have your desire and feel loved and committed to in your relationship 

    You truly have the whole map to manifest marriage, and now the process is just to continue to practice…

    In this step, you’ll learn the following: 
    • Frequency of Practicing Techniques and the Embodiment Equation
    • ​Types of Techniques to Practice
    • ​Your Personal Action Plan
    • ​Your Commitment to Yourself
    You’ll find out what percentage you are certain that you’ll get married and how that relates to how much you should be practicing.

    We’ll address one of the biggest problems I see in the manifesting community that could impact your practice.

    You’ll create a personal action plan to continue manifesting marriage, based on your unique style – whether it’s more scheduled, “fluid” or whatever works best for you.

    I hope you trust me when I say that you now have everything you need to manifest marriage into your life.

    Now we put it all together so you can fall in love with
     yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires and
     fully commits to you (in a year or less)

    With The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway in your back pocket,
    you now have access to the same process I used to
    manifest beautiful, deeply aligned, forever partner so you can…  

    Now we put it all together so you can fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who adores, desires and fully commits to you (in a year or less)…

    With The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway in your back pocket, you now have access to the same process I used to manifest a beautiful, deeply aligned, forever partner so you can…  

    Share your life with partner who is crazy-attracted to you (and in love with you for you).    

    • Embody the experience of being married now. Live in the end so you can saturate your inner world with the person who already has your desire using a variety of techniques including affirmations, imaginal acts, guided meditations, inner conversations and scripting to embody a new you.  
    • Become a lifelong partner and embrace the  Self Concept to manifest marriage. Bridge your inner and outer worlds together. Define how you view your identity, how you should be treated and how you see yourself in relationships to manifest marriage.
    • Build your forever-partner from scratch and shape your person’s thoughts, feelings and beliefs about you. You’ll focus on the OTHER PERSON so you feel 100% clear on who your forever partner is. This could be a version of them you already know. Or it could be a version of them that is new to you. You are building who they are with your inner world.
    • Release your fears, insecurities and doubts (and embody the Wish Fulfilled). Remove your focus from lack and place it back into a confident expectation of having your desire, including a technique you can use when your mind wanders into not having your desire and you focus on the UNfulfilled.
    • ​Relax into marriage now by showing up in the right place at the right time – without feeling pressured. Know when to persist and when to simply let go so you avoid confusion (and frustration). Know how to answer the most common question: “Ok, but what do I need to do to make this all happen?” 
    • ​Take action to manifest marriage (and strengthen your practice with a plan that works for you). Feel in control with a personal action plan designed to help you continue manifesting marriage, based on your unique style – whether it’s more scheduled, “fluid” or whatever works best for you. 

    Ok, now here’s what’s cool…

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway is impossible to mess up.

    If you’re worried about “doing it wrong” or “kind of messing it up,” you’re not alone. When we’re doing the best we can, we don’t have to be perfect. The goal is to get better and better at manifesting every day. 

    Honestly, manifesting is all about practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. And the easier it’ll be for you to embody the Wish Fulfilled. And the more time you spend in that state of being, the more potently your manifestation will arrive.

    All you need to do is follow the steps I’ve outlined for you in The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway, which is literally a map for manifesting marriage. 

    If you find your mind wandering or you start to lose focus, you could start scripting to get your focus back on track. You’ll have access to my scripts inside this step-by-step process. 

    (This type of scripting can be more effective than saying affirmations or doing imaginal acts because when you’re physically writing down words, your mind will focus entirely in a new direction.)

    And you know what else…

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even if you have a recurring pattern of being rejected, not being chosen or feeling “single.” 

    First, let me say: It’s OK if you have moments of doubt. 

    It’s OK if you wonder, “Where is he (or she)? Is it ever going to happen for me?” 

    It’s OK if you have moments of feeling worried that it’s not going to happen. All of this is OK!

    A lot of us start right here with those same doubts. I did, too. But…

    You can change. It’s about doing the inner work. It’s about doing the self love work. You can start to believe in this new outcome.

    Eventually, once you’ve used The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway to practice the inner experience so much, a deep knowing will dawn upon you… You’ll simply know your desire will be yours. 
    Where a lot of people get off track on the manifesting journey is putting way too much focus, thoughts, time, energy and emphasis into what is going wrong… On the wish UNfulfilled… Too much focus on the problems, issues and reasons it’s NOT going to happen. 

    And because time, focus, thoughts, energy and emphasis are put on NOT having your desire, that’s what keeps manifesting.

    As I have always said, learning to not focus on not having your desire, and training yourself to focus on having your desire is a practice. 

    It is the ONLY practice, really. 

    You have to be committed to this path – and because you are reading these very words right now, I know you are.  

    Yes, there will likely be times that your focus will be in the wrong place, and for that reason, I created The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway.

    This 6-step process includes proven strategies designed to help you remove your focus from lack, and place it back into a confident expectation of having your desire. 

    The best part? Once you have this 6-step process, you can come back to these practices whenever you need them… They will bring you relief and guide you into the most potent manifesting states once again.

    Alright, here’s where this pathway gets even more useful…

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even if you’ve tried other manifesting books, courses and coaching experiences that failed you.

    Maybe you’ve experimented with other books, courses and coaching experiences already, but the results were… well, disappointing (to say the least). 

    And maybe you’re wondering, Why take on the cost for material that could be similar to something you’ve already invested in, right?

    Straight up, here’s why this process is different from everything else you’ve tried previously… 

    You’ll learn embodied manifesting, which is how to live as the end result and become the person who already has your desire. It’s also the aligned expression of your mind, body and heart. 

    You’ll be able to feel this new version of yourself inside your body. Your desire will no longer live outside of your body. It’ll no longer feel like something else you need to chase.

    I have taught thousands of people how to become the EMBODIMENT of love to call deeply-fulfilling relationships into their lives…

    And what I can tell you is this: This 6-step pathway is far from basic. It’s advanced.

    When you have this step-by-step process, you’ll no longer make excuses, give time and energy to your old stories or lose your way. 

    The opposite will happen, actually.

    The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway is an invitation for you to commit to yourself and do the inner work that will transport and transform you into the version of yourself you most want to be. A wife, husband, lover, partner and best friend.

    You can choose to become that person now. Start thinking,
     feeling, living, being the person now (internally) who has your
    desire, and it will manifest for you. 

    “I’ve definitely had success with straight affirmations, but I have had the MOST success really becoming embodied with something.” 

    “I felt like something was missing, but when Shelly talked about manifesting, I could feel my wishful feeling in my body, and I suddenly got it.”

    “Shelly sort of drums this into you… her principle of living in the end and her concept of creating the outcome that you want in your mind and really feeling it through your five senses… Through how it feels, looks and sounds. So you just use your five senses to imagine it as real as it can be.” 
    “I’ve definitely had success with straight affirmations, but I have had the MOST success really becoming embodied with something.” 

    “I felt like something was missing, but when Shelly talked about manifesting, I could feel my wishful feeling in my body, and I suddenly got it.”

    “Shelly sort of drums this into you… her principle of living in the end and her concept of creating the outcome that you want in your mind and really feeling it through your five senses… Through how it feels, looks and sounds. So you just use your five senses to imagine it as real as it can be.” 

    If you want to practice Embodied Manifesting, 
    The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway 
    is the only place you can access it today. 

    If you want to practice Embodied Manifesting, 
    The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway is the only place you can access it today. 

    Heck, I’m the only person teaching it.

    And this could be the missing piece you’ve needed to
     manifest your marriage. Don’t give up on yourself until you’ve tried.

    Oh, and here’s something else I want to share with you…

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even if you’re seeking a committed partnership, not necessarily marriage. 

    Yes, you can use this step-by-step process to attract any type of relationship you desire – whether that’s friendship, a committed partnership or marriage. 

    If you’re not sure you want to be married right now (or maybe ever), that’s OK. More than OK, actually. 

    That type of clarity will help you in Step 3: Build Your Forever-Partner from Scratch, of the The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway.   

    In this step, not only are you creating yourself as the person who is in a committed relationship… but you are also creating the person that you are in a relationship with. 

    You can choose the type of relationship you want to be in with this other person. 

    As long as you’re clear on the type of partner you want to be in a relationship with, you can manifest this person using the same techniques you’ll have access to inside this 6-step process. 

    Here’s something else you should know…

    ✓   The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even if you feel like you don’t have a vivid imagination. 

    Maybe you struggle to tap into your imagination when manifesting… That’s OK! 

    There are dozens of ways to activate your imagination. In fact, visually imaging is NOT my strong suit either. This is why I teach using a variety of techniques and angles. 

    There’s a technique you’ll learn inside The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway called inner conversations, and it allows you to list out what you want to hear from your forever partner. This allows you to hear the words, rather than force yourself to imagine. 

    Inside The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway, you’ll have access to my private manifesting techniques and examples I’ve tested myself, including:  
    •  Affirmations to Create & Shape Your Forever-Partner
    • ​Forever-Partner Inner Conversations to Manifest Marriage
    • ​Forever-Partner Scripting to Manifest Marriage
    Alright, here’s what else makes this step-by-step process work for you…

    ✓   The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works for you – regardless of your age. 

    “Is it too late for me?” is a question I hear often from people who desire a committed relationship. 

    Here’s what I say: It’s never too late. I don’t care if you’re 22 or 102, the manifesting techniques do not change. The practice is the practice. 

    If you can embody the desire within you (and with The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway, you’ll have everything you need to do it), you can have the type of relationship you’ve been seeking. 

    Age doesn’t matter, but your willingness to commit to follow The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway and commit to the practice of embodied manifesting does.

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even when you’re feeling sad. 

    If there is a time when you’re feeling down – whether it’s about a relationship situation or life in general – the best possible thing you can do is soothe yourself. 

    You’ll find out the exact steps I’ve walked through, along with the scripts you can repeat to yourself, inside The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway. 

    In times of feeling sad, you want to start a practice of soothing yourself the way you would soothe a child who was hurt or sad. 

    You pick yourself up (figuratively, or in your imagination), wrap your arms around yourself, and you start offering yourself words of comfort and love. 

    For anyone who has taken a practice like this to heart, you know that it works. The trick for a practice like this to really make you feel better is: you have to go ALL THE WAY there. 

    What I mean is: You have to remove your focus OFF the thing that is bothering you... And you have to put as much focus as you can on the soothing words and feelings. 

    If you can refocus on the love that you are giving yourself, I promise you will feel better right on the spot.

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even if your end result isn’t feeling real or “sitting well.” 

    Let’s say that ultimately, you know that you want to get married, but…

    At the moment, imagining marriage with your person doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe it feels too soon? Too far in the future? Like you’re not quite ready for that step? 

    Whatever the case may be, you will feel it internally if your end result isn’t “right” because something about it will feel “off.”

    Great! First and foremost, it’s amazing for you to recognize when something isn’t sitting correctly… whether it be a technique or end result or anything.

    Next, I’ll share the exact affirmations you can use inside The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway so you can embody the Wish Fulfilled at different stages of belief. 

    And it will really help your end result to not feel "fake." Remember that manifesting is an art form... There isn't an exact science on how to use affirmations. 

    What you are always looking for is how a technique makes you feel. ANY affirmation that makes you feel good is putting you in the state of the Wish Fulfilled. And that's absolutely what matters most. 

    ✓  The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway works even when you’re feeling doubtful. 

    If you are ever feeling doubtful – about getting married, about being in a relationship or about manifesting in general – I find the best possible thing you can do is: AFFIRMATIONS THAT BUILD YOU UP! 

    There are 24+ different types of affirmations inside The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway that can help you in this situation. 

    Anytime you feel doubt creeping in, it’s a great strategy to "blast yourself" with affirmations that AFFIRM the opposite of doubt… Affirmations that essentially say, “THIS IS GOING TO WORK OUT FOR ME!” 

    You can do this as much as you want or need to. The more you practice bringing yourself back into the state of "I can do this/ I will do this!" (which are states of the Wish Fulfilled), the more you will eventually live permanently in that inner knowing that your desire WILL BE YOURS.

    The bottom line: The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway is designed as a step-by-step process to provide the structure you need to go from single
     to married within one year

    (...because we don’t like to waste time around here). 

    Combine all the steps inside The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway to fall in love with yourself and manifest a partner who fully commits to you (in less than 365 days)– 

    WITHOUT forcing you to settle for someone who isn’t emotionally available (or is missing something – even if 
    you can’t quite pinpoint what the heck they’re missing).   

    By now, you see how and why The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway is so effective at helping you embody the experience of being married now. So you can have the love of your life with a partner who is madly in love with you. 

    And you understand what makes The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway so powerful and effective that you could go from questioning whether or not you can have a committed relationship to believing – with full confidence – “Yes, I’m getting married, I’m wanted, I’m chosen.” 

    This is possible for you, and you don’t have to wait
     years to find your person, put a ring on your finger
     and walk down the aisle. 

    You could choose this life for yourself
     within the next year. 

    And that’s why today, I want to help you put The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway
     to work for you with a unique program called…



    A 6-module embodiment training and coaching experience grounded in The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway – with step-by-step processes, 40+ video lessons, one powerful community of new friends who are on a similar pathway, 6 full-length workbooks, scripts, affirmations, a few extra bonuses and everything you need to manifest marriage this year.

    A 6-module embodiment training and coaching experience grounded in The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway – with step-by-step processes, 40+ video lessons, one powerful community of new friends who are on a similar pathway, 6 full-length workbooks, scripts, affirmations, a few extra bonuses and everything you need to manifest marriage this year.

    Let me tell you what this course will do for you,
    how quickly it will work and everything you get today.

    MODULE 1

    Embody the Experience 
    of Being Married Now… 

    Dive into the heart of manifesting with the only rule you’ll ever need to know.

    Together, we’ll explore the three core manifesting principles that will become your guiding stars: Self Concept, Everyone is Your Self Pushed Out, and Living in the End. These aren't just abstract ideas – they're actionable steps you can use to make marriage your reality this year.

    Learn how to train your Inner World into being the person who is married now using both the power of dynamic techniques and non-technique moments, ensuring every ounce of your being is aligned and ready for marriage. 

    Need tangible proof? I'll pull back the curtain and give you access to the raw, unedited scripts (pulled directly from my iPhone) I personally wrote to manifest my husband within just 30 days. This is the only place you can access these sacred scripts. 

    MODULE 2

    Become a Life-Long Partner… 

    Embrace Self Concept and finally believe, “Yes, I’m getting married – I’m wanted, I’m chosen.”

    With access to the unparalleled Self Concept techniques inside this module, you’ll feel ready to embody the essence of commitment, engagement and marriage. 

    Explore the art of affirmations, imaginal acts, inner conversations, and scripting that resonate so deeply, you'll feel the marital bond even before it manifests.

    In this module, we strip away the overwhelming intricacies of manifestation, guiding you to bypass common pitfalls like tense confusion or language barriers, zeroing in on what truly counts. So you feel focused and clear.

    Experience the transformative power of techniques like "Acting as if" and "Inner Conversations", each expertly designed to connect your inner desires with outer reality. 

    With real-life examples and proven best practices at your fingertips, you're not just imagining your marriage – you're preparing your soul for its inevitability. 

    MODULE 3

    Build Your Forever-Partner 
    from Scratch… 

    Shape your person’s thoughts, feelings and beliefs about you so they start to feel real to you.

    You’ll focus on two essential elements at the core of this module… First, it's about shaping yourself into someone ready and open for marriage. But just as crucial is the second element: defining the characteristics and essence of your ideal partner. 

    Whether this is someone you already know or an entirely new person you're dreaming of, this module is packed with exercises to help you visualize and understand them in-depth.

    Based on tried-and-true methods, I'll share tools and techniques that have personally worked for me. From "Affirmations to Create & Shape Your Forever-Partner" to dynamic "Forever-Partner Scripting" methods, you're equipped to visualize and feel the presence of your ideal partner. 

    Additionally, you’ll have access to 25+ thought-provoking questions to further clarify the kind of partner you truly desire.

    Of course, like any process, there are potential pitfalls. Pouring a lot of energy and focus into this visualization can sometimes lead to overthinking or imbalance. That’s why we address these challenges head-on, guiding you through them so you have a balanced and effective manifestation journey. 

    MODULE 4

    Release Your Fears, Insecurities & Doubts… 

    Stop questioning everything and start feeling chosen, loved and committed to.

    It's no secret that many of us often find ourselves trapped in a cycle of negative thinking, placing disproportionate attention on what we believe is going wrong. 

    We often dwell on the unattained wishes, the potential pitfalls, and the numerous reasons our desires might not come to life. But the art of channeling our thoughts positively towards our goals is a practice that requires consistent effort. This is precisely why this module exists – to guide you through this learning curve.

    It doesn’t matter if your mind frequently drifts into doubts, or your vision of marriage feels distant and unrealistic, you'll be equipped with precise techniques to realign. 

    From practical tips on handling questions about your relationship status to battling the inevitable moments of doubt, I’ve got you covered. You'll even receive tools to recalibrate your energy when it starts to drop, ensuring you remain on track.

    Lastly, this module emphasizes the importance of living in the present. While waiting for your dreams to manifest, it's crucial not to pause your life. Instead, you’ll discover how to embrace the present and continue to build a future where your desires materialize.

    MODULE 5

    Relax into Marriage Now 
    & Guarantee Results… 

    Find the answer to the most common question: “Ok, but what do I need to DO to make this all happen?”

    Now you have a comprehensive toolkit of techniques designed to manifest a committed partnership or marriage within this year, but to cement this journey, a few fundamental practices stand out. 

    One of the most crucial is understanding "Persistence," as shared by Neville Goddard. It's essential to differentiate between times that call for persistence and moments that require letting go, helping you deeply resonate with the anticipation of your desired marriage.

    Contrary to common misconceptions, the path to this isn't about ticking off conventional boxes like online dating or chance encounters. It's a more introspective journey. 

    By focusing on internal evolution and utilizing a set of introspective questions I’ll share with you, you'll shift attention from the external world, reinforcing your subconscious belief in your goal. With our final, fail-proof step, your dream marriage isn't just a possibility – it's a promise.

    MODULE 6

    Take the Right Action to Manifest Marriage… 

    Strengthen your practice with a plan that works for you.

    You've equipped yourself with the tools and knowledge to manifest a committed relationship. But like any journey worth taking, it requires consistent practice. 

    Dive deep into our step-by-step guides on the best techniques to use and how often to use them. You’ll learn how to customize them to what feels authentic for you.

    A big question many face is how certain they are about marriage and how this confidence impacts their practice. We'll dive into this so you can navigate these feelings with clarity.

    We’ll also identify the common pitfalls that many face in this journey. We'll highlight them, ensuring you sidestep any hurdles. 

    By the end of this module, you'll have created a personalized action plan that aligns with your lifestyle, moving you closer to that dream relationship.

    Get your hands on the only structured, step-by-step “I Do” workbooks that help you embody the wish fulfilled and manifest marriage 

    Every single module inside The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course includes a workbook and daily exercises designed to make it easier to move through the course content. These types of daily exercises prepare you to be in the right frame of mind for receiving someone to marry.

    These structured workbooks can help anyone – doesn’t matter if you’re new to manifesting or if you’ve been manifesting for decades. 

    These workbooks include a step-by-step approach to embodied manifestation with a variety of techniques that you can choose from. Variety is key. You won’t be forced to use techniques that don’t resonate with you. So there’s no obsessive affirming or choosing one technique over another.

    Manifestation is a practice, not a one-time activity… So these workbooks are designed to grow with you. 

    Even if you “fall off the wagon,” these daily exercises make it easier to get back into your manifestation journey. And this is a journey. It’s a practice that extends far beyond 90 days, if you want to achieve the end result – a committed partnership or marriage.

    Get your hands on the only structured, step-by-step “I Do” workbooks that help you embody the wish fulfilled and manifest marriage 

    Every single module inside The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course includes a workbook and daily exercises designed to make it easier to move through the course content. These types of daily exercises prepare you to be in the right frame of mind for receiving someone to marry.

    These structured workbooks can help anyone – doesn’t matter if you’re new to manifesting or if you’ve been manifesting for decades. 

    These workbooks include a step-by-step approach to embodied manifestation with a variety of techniques that you can choose from. Variety is key. You won’t be forced to use techniques that don’t resonate with you. So there’s no obsessive affirming or choosing one technique over another.

    Manifestation is a practice, not a one-time activity… So these workbooks are designed to grow with you. 

    Even if you “fall off the wagon,” these daily exercises make it easier to get back into your manifestation journey. And this is a journey. It’s a practice that extends far beyond 90 days, if you want to achieve the end result – a committed partnership or marriage.

    With everything you’re getting inside 
    The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course…

    You have everything you need to feel like a married person and feel the energy of your future partner… 

    You’ll also have everything you need to manifest more quickly and with ease. You’ll 
    strengthen your commitment to yourself and you’ll clear your old pattern 
    of accepting anything less than what you desire.

    You’ll feel powerful, expansive, and like you’ve returned to your authentic self.
    You may even feel more vibrant and in love with life.

    But, this is just the beginning of what you
    get with The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course. 

    You’ll also have everything you need to manifest more quickly and with ease. You’ll strengthen your commitment to yourself and you’ll clear your old pattern of accepting anything less than what you desire.

    You’ll feel powerful, expansive, and like you’ve returned to your authentic self. You may even feel more vibrant and in love with life.

    But, this is just the beginning of what you get with The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course. 

    Because, when you enroll today, you also get a 
    unique bonus package not available anywhere else…

    *Special Fast Action
     Bonus Package*

    Look, I get the power of instant gratification. So if you commit to showing up for
    yourself and manifesting a partner who adores, desires and fully commits to you…
    Look, I get the power of instant gratification. So if you commit to showing up for yourself and manifesting a partner who adores, desires and fully commits to you…

    Free Bonus #1:

    3 LIVE group embodiment
    coaching sessions with me 👋

    VALUE: $2,999

    Expect aha moments and actionable feedback you can implement immediately to start the next biggest chapter of your life

    You’ll have access to me and our expansive community during three LIVE group embodiment sessions. These interactive group sessions are the perfect opportunity for you to ask me anything about your process of manifesting love. You’ll receive personalized feedback directly from me, including a plan of action. 

    (Personal coaching with me doesn’t happen anywhere else so this is the ONLY place you receive this type of access to me.)

    You’ll also receive feedback on not only the practices, techniques and content in the “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course but also on your unique manifestation struggles so you can refine your process and get results fast. 
    My number one goal during these group sessions is to help you synthesize the manifestation techniques, practices, and strategies in this course so you can be in love with your dream person who is MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU and chooses you fully.

    During these LIVE sessions, you’ll have 100% of my attention. I’m a damn good manifestation teacher. If you’ve ever seen my YouTube videos, you’ll know the vibe. I’m incredibly clear and can identify relationship patterns. 

    I have a keen ability to feel what is going on for someone when they ask a question in these group sessions. I can feel the patterns and stories they’re holding, and I help set them free with new storylines, beliefs and embodiments. That’s how change happens.

    Now, it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried “manifesting” this love before, but you never really believed it would happen for you. Or you haven’t felt the personal transformation yourself… 

    Between The Embody “I Do” 6-Step Pathway and these five LIVE group embodiment sessions, you’ll have everything you need to be in a relationship where there’s FULL COMMITMENT. 

    Feel that? It’s the weight of the world lifting off your shoulders. You don’t have to figure this out on your own. You’ve got me.

    Free Bonus #1:

    Chosen Masterclass

    VALUE: $299

    Dissolve the repeating pattern of not being fully-chosen by the person you love in relationships.

    Have you ever feared or felt like you're not being chosen by the person you love? If this is a pattern you face, look no further. The Chosen Masterclass will show you exactly how to dissolve that pattern and finally be chosen by the person you love (for people manifesting a specific person or a new love).

    Free Bonus #2:

    Access an exclusive  behind-the-scenes
    look at how I manifested my engagement
    (includes iPhone “notes” screenshots!) 

    VALUE: $399

    Manifest marriage fast with this insider look into my iPhone and personal manifestation protocol. 

    Every morning, I would go to a coffee shop, sit down, open “notes” on my iPhone and script who I was – and how my man saw me. 

    And inside this for-real exclusive bonus, you’ll see screenshots of what I wrote down days before my soon-to-be husband manifested. 
    While you do not need to copy my scripts to manifest marriage, you could use these real-life examples as a guide. So you can write what is true for YOU – without starting from scratch or staring at the blank page. 

    Inside this bonus, you’ll have access to the writing I scripted to describe how my future husband saw and felt about me, including words he would say to me, who I knew myself to be, what I felt about him, etc.

    This is how you can ignite the Wish Fulfilled and be fully claimed by your forever partner. This is what worked for me, and this is what you could use as a manifestation technique moving forward.

    Free Bonus #3:

     Manifest Marriage & Love Meditation Pack (over 30 guided meditations)

    VALUE: $499

    Take advantage of the transformative power of curated
     meditations, selected specifically for beautiful souls
    seeking a deeper connection in love. 

    With this exclusive pack, you can sink deep into an array of meditative experiences designed to align your heart, mind, body and spirit with the frequencies of lifelong partnership, desire and expansiveness.
    You'll emerge from each session feeling rejuvenated, grounded in the belief and clarity that your marriage is not only possible but about to happen. 

    Join countless others who've transformed their love journey with these meditations, bringing them closer to their destined partners, and reveling in the process of conscious creation.

    Free Bonus #4:

    “I Do” Massive  Coaching Vault (10 hours)

    VALUE: $1,999

    Experience unparalleled clarity and let every module
    deeply resonate within. Think of this vault as your
    exclusive Netflix for manifestation. 

    This is your personal invitation to experience the passion and depth behind every module I’ve created for you. 

    When you dive into these 18+ hours of pre-recorded live teachings, you’re not just getting supplementary content. You’re joining me for intimate sessions where I peel back the curtain and share the layers that bring every module to life.
    It feels like we’re sitting down together, cup of tea in hand, diving deep into the heart of manifestation. Here’s what this vault includes.

    Unfiltered Access: This is me, unscripted. Raw, passionate and deeply intimate. It’s the closest experience to having personal time with me, revealing the secrets and strategies I use and teach.

    Flexibility: Designed to be video- and audio-friendly, you can tune in wherever you feel most comfortable and let my words embrace you like your favorite sweatshirt (←the one you’ve worn for years and years). Doesn’t matter if you’re in your living room or on a peaceful walk – let’s journey together.

    More than just lessons: I’ve designed each of these six sessions to give you that extra content that makes all the difference. With these teachings, every module’s essence will resonate even more deeply, helping you build a consistent manifestation practice that works for you.

    So pop on the first video in the “I Do” Massive Manifestation Vault, prepare your favorite cup of tea and immerse yourself in hours of heartfelt wisdom from my lived experience as your manifesting teacher.

    Free Bonus #5:

    Committed Masterclass

    VALUE: $333

    Learn to embody the Self Concept of someone who is "committed to" and watch how all your relationships change for the better... feel shown up for and prioritized in a way that you have never experienced before.

    If you’ve struggled with receiving commitment from other people and you want to finally put an end to that pattern, this course is for you! Learn exactly how to embody the Self Concept of someone who is committed to, and watch that engagement fly into your life!

    Free Bonus #6:

    Feel inspired,supported & energized more than ever before with LIFETIME access to the“I Do” private Facebook community 

    VALUE: $999

    Give yourself the infinite gift of a private, expansive
    community where you can share your struggles, celebrations, practices & techniques with your peers

    Grow, feel seen, refine, calibrate your inner world, make connections and friendships, and see results with others cheering you on!

    The learning doesn’t stop in our six manifestation modules. Oh no. No way. It continues in our private The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Community that invites you to connect with fellow deep souls who are manifesting marriage alongside you. 

    This is a safe place where you can receive additional feedback, inspiration and ideas from people who get you and your desire.
    You could feel more confident and clear in your manifestation journey, more motivated to stretch into a new way of being and more excited to experiment with a variety of manifestation & embodiment techniques because you’ll finally have a support system outside of yourself.  

    You’ll be surrounded by fellow expansive souls who are cheering you on all the way and sharing manifestation techniques, ideas, practices & stories based on what’s working for them.  

    This type of community connected around a similar desire to manifest marriage is nearly impossible to find, but… 

    Now you’ve found it, and you have the chance to give this valuable gift not only to yourself but also to your future partner or spouse. (They say thank you btw!)

    Free Bonus #4:

    Step into your most magnetic
     self with access to the
     Cherished Self Love Course

    VALUE: $999

    Gift yourself the profound transformation of walking with elegance, embodying confidence, and shining every single day.

    Grow, feel seen, refine your self-concepts, nurture your inner world, and embrace your cherished self with expert guidance and transformative practices.

    While your chosen self is expansive and transformative, the journey to self love and magnetism doesn’t end there. The "Cherished" Self-Love Course, a deep dive into channeling your innate power, allows you to truly live as your Queen Self, revered and adored by all.
    Imagine a world where you could tap into the power of magnetism living within you on demand. You could effortlessly call forth what you desire and live as someone who is adored, desired, and cherished at all times. 

    And that reality? It starts with this course. Be surrounded by the wisdom and guidance that enables you to let go of insecurities and past narratives. 

    Dive deep into powerful techniques that activate your magnetic attraction, making you irresistible in every sense.

    This deep journey of self-discovery is rarely found elsewhere. But now, you've discovered it. By diving into the "Cherished" course, you're not only offering the gift of transformation to yourself but also to every relationship and connection in your life.

    They’ll notice. They’ll ask. And you'll know—it all began with choosing to be Cherished.

    Free Bonus #5:

    Embody unwavering love with
     Chosen Masterclass & Workbook 

    Embody unwavering love with Chosen Masterclass & Workbook 

    VALUE: $222

    Dive deep into the heart of self-worth and love with
    this transformative 2.5-hour Masterclass and comprehensive
     60-page workbook. 

    Discover how to apply the power of internal transformation to see external commitment. Through step-by-step instructions, embodiment practices and guided meditation, you’ll be transported to a world where you’re the first and only choice.

    Witness your relationship change as you undergo a powerful shift from within. 
    As a special bonus, the workbook contains exercises that help you tap into the state of being chosen, consistently.

    This isn’t about changing others – it’s about transforming yourself.

    So say goodbye to feeling undervalued and start a journey where you’re always chosen, loved and desired. This Masterclass is your sacred guide.

    Free Bonus #7:

    Manifest the Ultimate Committed Relationship with the Committed Masterclass

    VALUE: $333

    You’re invited to experience a transformation into commitment... becoming a person who fully commits to herself and by doing so, manifesting a relationship in which you are shown-up for, prioritized and deeply committed to.

    What if you were so committed to yourself, you knew that you would ALWAYS have your own back... you would always be your own best friend... you would always choose yourself over and over again? 

    What if you were so committed to your outcomes and results that you began to KNOW that your desires would be yours, no matter what? 

    What if you were so certain that others would be there for you... they would show up for you, love you, care for you, fight for you, that you never worried about the opposite again? 

    What if the feeling of COMMITMENT... both to yourself and from others and life towards you... was a governing essence in your life?

    Welcome to the COMMITTED MASTERCLASS. 
    This Masterclass is perfect for you if you still struggle with commitment… in particular receiving commitment from other people… and you’re ready to put an END to that pattern

    It's also for you if you’re done wavering in doubt and uncertainty when it comes to having the relationship of your dreams.

    If you are ready to embody the energy of COMMITTED… to yourself, to your desires, and to easily creating the life of your dreams

    This course isn’t just an addition – it’s an experience, a transformative journey ensuring that your manifested marriage thrives on genuine self-recognition and mutual resonance.

    Your future partner? They're out there, dreaming of someone exactly like the true YOU. Gift yourself this journey, and in doing so you can gift them the best version of you. 

    Free Bonus #7:

    Free Yourself from painful patterns in relationship with my “Free Yourself” Course 

    VALUE: $349

    You’re invited to experience a transformative journey where
     chains of self-doubt, anxiety and past trauma are broken
    and replaced with the euphoria of self love, confidence
     and newfound freedom.

    Deepen your understanding, refine your inner truth, and let yourself be immersed in techniques that have been the turning point for countless souls in their journey towards authentic self-love and boundless freedom.

    In the "Free Yourself" Course, you'll journey through curated modules designed to illuminate the corners of your soul, perhaps previously overshadowed by doubt or fear. 

    It's a dedicated space to actively engage in self-liberation, recognizing and embracing your intrinsic worth.
    The path toward manifesting that soulful, deep connection in marriage begins from within. As you free yourself, you clear the path for deeper intimacy, understanding and a love that resonates on all levels. 

    The "Free Yourself" Course doesn’t just guide you toward a partner but toward the purest essence of YOU. This resonating vibration ensures you're not just attracting a partner but magnetizing the right one, harmonizing with your most authentic self.

    This course isn’t just an addition – it’s an experience, a transformative journey ensuring that your manifested marriage thrives on genuine self-recognition and mutual resonance.

    Your future partner? They're out there, dreaming of someone exactly like the true YOU. Gift yourself this journey, and in doing so you can gift them the best version of you. (And yes, they're sending their gratitude for the vibrant, free soul they get to share their life with!).

    Here’s everything
     you get today…

    This offer ENDS in:


    A 6-module embodiment training &
    coaching experience grounded in The Embody 
    “I Do” 6-Step Pathway with 40+ video lessons

    (VALUE: $2,999)

    A 6 Embody “I Do” Workbooks with daily exercises
    to help you manifest marriage within a year

    (VALUE: $999)

    Free Bonus #1: Become a person who is fully chosen, just as they are with the Chosen Masterclass

    (VALUE: $299)

    Free Bonus #2: Access an exclusive Behind-the-Scenes
     look at how I manifested my engagement – including
     iPhone “notes” screenshots!

    (VALUE: $399)

    Free Bonus #3: The Ultimate Marriage Meditation Pack filled with 30+ guided meditations hand-picked for you

    (VALUE: $499)

    Free Bonus #4: Experience unparalleled clarity and let
     every module deeply resonate within with the exclusive
    “I Do” Massive Coaching Vault (10 hours)

    (VALUE: $1,999)

    Free Bonus #5: Embody the Self Concept of a person who is "committed to" and watch your relationships change on the spot with the Committed Masterclass

    (VALUE: $333)

    Free Bonus #6: Feel inspired, supported & energized
     more than ever before with LIFETIME access to
    the “I Do" private Facebook community 

    (VALUE: $999)

    TOTAL VALUE: $8,526

    So think about it like this: 

    If all The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course
    did for you was help you fall in love with yourself,
     what would it be worth to you?

    I’d say… Yes, it would be worth it because you’d be able to manifest a partner who adores, desires and fully commits to you (in a year or less) which is priceless. 

    You could walk away from this course with a committed
    relationship with your forever-partner.

    If all The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course did for you was help you stop moving through the world in the “single” state, and instead move through the world in the “wife” or “husband” state, would it be worth it?

    And again, I would say… Absolutely yes, because that would allow you to feel the energy of your future partner. You could also feel like you’re enough exactly the way you are today.

    But, today, when you say yes! to The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course,
    it won’t cost you the $8,526 this course is valued at today. 

    It’s not even going to cost you $5,000.

    Heck, it won’t even cost you $2,500.

    Instead, today, when you commit to
     manifesting your marriage this year and enroll in
     The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course… 

    Instead, today, when you commit to manifesting your marriage this year and enroll in The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course… 


    You’ll get access to everything for just (6 payments of $199).


    One full payment
    of $997 (SAVE $197)

    And here’s the thing…

    You don’t even have to say yes today. 

    All you have to say is “maybe” – and that’s because you can put
     the entire “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course to the test, risk-free.
    How does that sound?

    “I’m curious… Why should I manifest my
    marriage with you over someone else, Shelly?”

    Great question… Why me? 
    Here’s why my community trusts me...       

    “I’m almost in my third trimester. Three more months until our newborn arrives. My husband and I got married last year, actually just 4 months after I joined, ‘I Do.’ 

    Before joining ‘I Do,’ I asked myself, ‘Why can’t I have love?’ and ‘What the heck is wrong with my relationships?’ 

    I could manifest material things including seven jobs, but love was the sort of thing I couldn’t really figure out.

    Fast forward to 2022, which was the year I joined, ‘I Do.’ I felt like I was almost there – I felt like I was going to manifest my marriage. Then I found Shelly… It’s almost like it was just the perfect timing for the next step. 

    Shelly gave me the impression that she really knew what she was talking about. She’s very professional, and she was really coming from the heart. She’s not like all the other YouTubers who portray an image of being a little bit arrogant, yet don’t even have a backdrop in the videos.

    I think Shelly is probably the only person who really addresses how to embody the Wish Fulfilled. When Shelly talked about it, I could suddenly sense it in my body and embody it. It was a light bulb moment. 

    While in ‘I Do,’ I started to see all the painful patterns I created for myself were so unnecessary. Part of the ‘I Do’ course helped me to craft out an architect map of what our marriage would look like, including how we interact and communicate. My main desire was for our marriage to be 200% compatible.

    I actually met my husband in September 2022 and we got married in November, which was the day before my birthday. I had written that I would get married before my next birthday and we got married one day before my next birthday. And now our baby arrives in three months.” 


    “This course is great for preparing you to be in the right frame of mind for receiving someone to marry.

    Even though it’s a bit more of an advanced course, Shelly teaches in a simple way that feels gentle. And luckily, you can go back through the course over and over again.

    The ‘I Do’ content is very organized and the workbooks are great. They’re broken into sections and paired with a video where Shelly explains each exercise and what you need to do next. 

    I have all of the workbooks saved to my Google Drive so I can pull them up whenever I’m just kind of having a rough spot. The workbooks allow me to get unstuck.” 


    “I’m moving in with my partner in two weeks! 

    After ‘I Do,’ I expect a lot more from my relationships and receive a lot more back.

    I feel more confident and self assured. And my partner is now consistently loving and committed.”

    -Dominique Clifton 

    “I went from ‘no contact’ to a committed relationship where I am treated with love and respect by my person. He is ALL IN with me now!  

    What worked for me inside ‘I Do’? I like how the modules are broken down by topic.

    I also like the live sessions that Shelly included with the course.”


    More Testimonials...

    “I ended a situationship that
    was not my ideal… 

    Letting go was a hard pattern to break, but the course helped me overcome it.

    I felt comfortable with the aftermath and the ‘future unknown’ because of the deeper realizations I had of those patterns. 

    I am now aware of my inner conflict between wanting ‘the real deal’ but not allowing myself to actually have it, therefore accepting less. I’ve detected that blockage, and I’m aware of the specific inner work I need to focus on next.”

    -Ivy Lewicki 

    “I learned that I cannot mess up my manifestation, and it’s totally okay to have times of doubt creep in… 

    There was enough material inside ‘I Do’ to always help me get back on track, especially the self love part.  

    I know my worth and I know love comes to me. I receive a lot more compliments, too. And I am definitely more relaxed that my marriage is coming. 

    I also do more self care since the self love part of the course, and I express my boundaries to other people, especially at work.” 

    -Thanh-Thu Dang 

    “I joined ‘I Do’ after going through another holiday season where I was very lonely, and I knew I just couldn’t go through that again. 

    I knew I needed to change how I perceive myself and men in relationships in order to really be able to take in the idea of marriage and being a wife.

    The most useful part of the course was Shelly. She’s a great teacher and mentor. And having the live group sessions was really powerful. I love how Shelly organizes things and has it laid out and structured, especially for people who are new to manifesting. 

    So having the tools was incredible, and I think the most impactful part was certainly being able to talk with Shelly directly. Those live sessions really motivated me to stay on track.

    The community inside ‘I Do’ surprised me the most. The community aspect of it was awesome. After the course ended, a lot of women kept in touch for more motivation and support beyond the course. I became quite close with a couple of them, and we are still friends today. These women are both in serious relationships and very close to marriage, similar to myself.”


    “My SP started telling me more explicitly that he thinks about me (always good, sometimes “bad” lol) and that he enjoys a lowkey day with me as much as taking me out, but he really likes going out together. 

    My Self Concept has improved drastically since taking this course. I’m much more graceful, in a way that honors me. I now embrace all aspects of myself.

    I’ve always had patience and love for the other person in my relationships, but now I offer that to myself fully knowing that I am worthy of it (and that I’m worthy of keeping my relationship). 

    I no longer take things personally and can brush off the little things because I know in the long run they are irrelevant old story perceptions that will dissolve.

    In a nutshell, Shelly’s personality and femininity felt aligned with mine in a way that I knew I would not have to force myself to be drastically different on a personality level.”


    “I actually manifested my SP
     back – after being apart for
    about a year. 

    I can feel the ‘energy’ of my future husband. I actually feel like a married woman – that it is a part of me.

    My fear has reduced tremendously. My heart is more open. I have been in a couple of relationships after this course, and I find that I am able to navigate through unwanted circumstances better. I also am more intuitive of the type of person my partners are.” 


    “The ‘I Do’ course felt like a real life fairytale, beyond anything I could imagine, culminating in a happy ending which only gets better each day. 

    I walked away from this course with so much self love (this in itself is priceless) and awareness of who I am and what I am looking for, being a love magnet, not needing a partner but wanting it to enhance my already amazing life.

    Yes, ‘I Do’ has changed my outlook and how I approach everyday life. There is a new sense of calmness and stability now. I am healthier than I have ever been, and I value me and who I am being.” 

    -Sunita K 

    Commit to manifesting your marriage
    this year and enroll in
    The “I Do” Manifest Marriage Course… 


    You’ll get access to everything for just (6 payments of $199).


    One full payment
    of $997 (SAVE $197)